Possible options:
virtual or retreat center programs
Wonder 101
Wander 102
Time Traveler
Books, the love and life of...
If you are a remote worker, you may be interested in Val's remote pitstop program at the residency and retreat center which allows you to fully immerse in a design project initiative.
> I work alone and really need someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to motivate me once in a while or give me those fun assignments I miss from school to get my creative juices flowing again.
> I feel like I'm missing out on something because I'm so far removed from the things I did and learned in school that I really could use a coach to help bring the joy back into my routine and work/life balance. I want to improve things like my type affinity, my use of color, risk-taking, or just projects I can't do because I'm in-house or don't have the type of clients for that work.
Team up with Design Coach Val who will be your advocate. Let's start the conversation with a COMPLIMENTARY initial inquiry via video conference. There are several options that you may be interested based on your current situation ranging from having an on-call sounding board to a full blown program.
If you are currently working remotely, you may be interested in a residency retreat style immersion where you can access your work using broadband at Design Coach Val's retreat center in Tennessee and then work together on your design goals.